How a Vision Book could help you navigate change with more ease

Major life changes such as changing careers or moving countries are super exciting but can also come along with a lot of uncertainty. In moments like these, I look for anchors – people and things that offer a little bit of comfort and stability. This makes me feel more resourced to deal with change.

As well as my support system and being able to work remotely, my vision for this year is one of these anchors right now.

At the start of 2022, the wonderful Sinéad Cullen and I ran a workshop that involved creating a Vision Book for 2022. I was very excited about creating a portable reminder of the things that I want to invite into my life in 2022. But I’m only starting to appreciate how much this little book is helping me navigate the current changes in my life.

This inspired me to share the process of creating a Vision Book with you and why I think it’s so beneficial to create your own book for 2022.

Why should you create a Vision Book
Apart from being an anchor in times of change, it’s also a great motivator and beautiful visional representation of the people and things that matter and what to focus on during the year.

Creating a book rather than a vision board is also very practical because you can easily carry it around with you and you can add to it or update it as the year unfolds.

What do you need to create a Vision Book 

  • Blank A4 or A5 book
  • Old newspapers & inspiring magazines or pictures
  • Coloured pens & pencils
  • Pair of scissors
  • Glue
How to create a Vision Book

Before you start thinking about your Vision Book, create the right environment and make enough time for it. You need at least an hour to create the foundations of a Vision Book. This can be done in one sitting or perhaps you want to break it up into smaller parts. I started with a longer session (the Vision Book workshop) and then spent a few more hours on it, spread over the course of a week. To create a nourishing environment, make room for your creation. A quiet space and empty desk with only your Vision Book creation materials on it would be ideal.

As you start to dive in, first try to get out of your head. This can be achieved through gentle movement, perhaps a little dance? Another tool to prepare you for your creation session is to connect to gratitude for the things and people in your life that really matter to you. Spend a few minutes on this. You want to tap into the positive emotions that are associated with what you are grateful for. From this space of warmth and fullness, you can create with an open heart and mind and are ready to connect to the big things that you want to experience and create.

Once you feel ready, you can look at the 8 areas of life and decide which ones you want to focus on in 2022. Make it your own by deciding to look at all areas, by combining some areas or maybe there is only one specific subject you want to focus on.

The 8 areas are:

  • Friends and Family
  • Fun, Recreation and Entertainment
  • Health and Fitness
  • Love Life
  • Personal/Spiritual Development
  • Physical Environment
  • Career/Business/Impact
  • Finances and Wealth

Now spend some time thinking (or writing, mind mapping, etc.) about your vision for the areas you want to focus on.

What do you desire to do and live in your chosen area(s)?

How do you want to be and feel?

Now we are moving to the more creative part of the Vision Book creation. Get your old magazines and newspapers out. It’s time to find inspiring visual representations for your vision. Pictures, drawings, words, quotes, colours, decorative items. There are no rules. As long as it inspires you, it’s worth adding to your Vision Book.

Here are a few pages from my Vision Book. May they inspire you.

Some other elements that I also decided to add to my Vision Book are:

  • Intentions for the year
  • Word of the year
  • No to-do list for the year ahead
  • Specific goals for 2022


When to create a Vision Book
January is the perfect time to create a Vision Book. But also June or July, the halfway point of the year, are good times to get started.


Enjoy the process of creating your Vision Book!